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These products are incredible. Their producers too, and they have won prizes!
You might not know the names of Daniel Thierry, Patrick Maury and Thierry Prautois. However, the name of their specialty may sound a bit more familiar: the Troyes andouillette. They are the champions in all categories of artisanal andouillette. These three butchers have been awarded prizes and distinctions for ages. You can come and enter their shops without a fear, as you can be sure to find quality products there.
Thierry Prautois retired in 2021, but he was wise enough to pass on all his talent to his successor. His shop in Troyes (“la Charcuterie de la Gare”) will therefore remain in good hands. As for Patrick Maury, his own descendants, and more precisely his son Maxime, will replace him to manage the “Charcuterie des Halles” in Troyes. Daniel Thierry, whose shop is in Sainte-Savine, can also count on his son (Christophe) to carry on the tradition.

In Troyes, there is also the Formont family who pass on the tradition from generation to generation. They are wine merchants. However, they also distil their own elixir, the famous “Prunelle de Troyes”, a liqueur made from sloe stones, which can be drunk either as an aperitif or a digestive. You can buy some straight from its source, at the “Cellier Saint Pierre” in Troyes. Beside it has been quite a long time now, it does not hurt to remember that the “Prunelle de Troyes” won the gold medal at the 1900 Universal Exhibition in Paris.

There is another famous name that shines among the talented people who contribute to the local gastronomy. It is the name of Pascal Caffet. Even if his name does not indicate it, he is specialized on chocolate. Actually, he is a real master in his field, since he won the wonderful title of the 1995 world champion of the dessert makers! Since then, he has conquered the hearts (and taste buds), not only of the inhabitants of Troyes, but of all the French gourmets who have been lucky enough to see a shop under his name open in their town. Today, there are about ten of these shops, including two in Paris. But, to a world champion, the whole world is offered! This is why “Maison Caffet” is also installed in Milan and Tokyo. Japanese are known to be particularly fond of chocolates and pastries made in France. Therefore, Pascal Caffet, from Troyes, is a great ambassador for our country.

Macasami, a pizzeria in Troyes, has not yet conquered the whole world, but is ready for it! At this stage, it has already won a very honourable 4th place at the French Pizza Championship in 2021. The pizzas have a strong Corsican accent, both in their names and compositions, and it is simply because the owner was born in Corsica!
You might think that pizza is not exactly the idea you would have of a “French” specialty. In the other hand, there is nothing more “French” than the baguette. In Saint-André-les-Vergers, the baguette made in the Mousset bakery stood out from the other baguettes nearby, as it won the 1st prize for the “best traditional French and the Aube baguette” in 2021. Its secret: it is kneaded in the traditional way and prepared with natural leaven.